Our land
Los Pedroches Region
The region of Los Pedroches, located in the northwest of the province of Cordoba, which got its name from the Arabs as the “Valley of acorns”, is an extensive blanket of holm oaks and cork oaks, creating a unique landscape.
The agro-system of the dehesa, the largest continuous dehesa in Europe, is the hallmark of this region, which has favoured a way of life based on extensive livestock farming, making it unique in the province.
Cradle of the Iberian pig, which has the Los Pedroches DO for its exquisite acorn-fed Iberian hams, which has favoured the generation of a peculiar tourist offer.
Declared a Starlight Reserve by Unesco, it offers an extraordinary space for astronomical activities.
Villages that make up the region
It is made up of 17 municipalities: Alcaracejos, Añora, Belalcázar, Cardeña, Conquista, Dos Torres, El Guijo, El Viso, Fuente la Lancha, Hinojosa del Duque, Pedroche, Pozoblanco; Santa Eufemia, Torrecampo, Villanueva de Córdoba, Villanueva Del Duque, Villaralto.
Data CIET Los Pedroches