Guadalquivir Valley Region (Vega)

The Vega del Guadalquivir, at the foot of the Sierra Morena, where Abderramán decided to build his own paradise.

A region that smells of orange blossom from its extensive orange groves in bloom. Natural wealth, scattered in its rich fertile plain of the river that gives it its name and in its Natural Park of Hornachuelos.

Land of unique palaces and castles, where scenes from the famous series “Game of Thrones” were filmed. 

The best adventure parks in the heart of nature await you.

Villages that make up the region

Hornachuelos, Almodóvar del Río, La Carlota, Fuente Carreteros, Fuente Palmera, Guadalcázar, Palma del Río, Posadas, La Victoria.

Useful information Mancomunidad

Useful information GDR

Companies in the Lower Guadalquivir Valley